Saturday, November 14, 2009

What a Memory!

We were sitting down to a nice dinner last night when Katey starts the following conversation:

KATEY: "Mommy, do you remember when we went to Chuck E Cheese and had pizza for a snack but didn't actually have dinner that night?"

MOMMY: "Um, when was this, Sweetie?"

KATEY: "Probably like a year ago..."

MOMMY: (Looking at Daddy with questioning eyes) "You mean when we met the Molendorps there last Christmas?"

KATEY: "Yes."

MOMMY: "Okay, what about it?"

KATEY: (As she is taking a bite of dinner) "Well, we didn't have dinner that night and I am still pretty upset about that."


This conversation was quickly followed-up with an explanation of what holding a grudge is and why we shouldn't do such a thing. Oh, and it was also pointed out that we really haven't missed any meals since then and no harm came from foregoing dinner after having pizza for a "snack" at 4PM! I think we have our hands full with this little girl. We just pray that, when it comes to fun and wonderful things, her memory is just as good!


Susan said...

I am amazed at the things kids can remember...but for some reason, they can't remember to clean their room, brush their teeth, etc., etc....

The Hines Family said...

So funny! :-)