Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What Every Mother Longs to Hear

I was up in the playroom with Seth the other night, hunting for the ever-illusive media center books. We were looking in the book baskets, under the couch cushions, under the couch, under the guest bed, on the train table, in the toy baskets... You get the picture. We finally pulled out the drawers under the train table and looked under them. No books to be found, but I hear Seth cry out with joy:

"Mommy, oh, there it is! I finally found my lipstick!"

Yeah, happy for you, Seth. Very glad you found your CHAPSTICK. Maybe you could get into the habit of calling it what it actually is and not mention to your friends that you like to put on "lipstick?" And, I promise, I'm not just asking that for my sake.


Alison said...

awe.some. mike, time to watch some FOOTBALL with the boy and go grunt over tools at the hardware store.

The Hines Family said...

Funny guy! :-)

I usually think Seth looks just like Mike, but in this picture I think he looks like you, Jen. :-)