Well, thankfully NOT leaping...otherwise I'm pretty sure this Momma would have had a heart attack!
As I sat down to put my shoes on this afternoon I saw this on my living room floor:
Notice, this is not the actual picture of the broadhead skink that was on my floor (though it looks just like it). I was WAY too heeby-jeebied to grab the camera. The only thing I could think was, "I've got to go and there is NO WAY that I am leaving that thing in my house." Well, that and, "How in the world did it get in here and did it bring friends along with it and how can I ensure it doesn't come back again?!?"
Well, one ziplock container, one book and one lid later the skink was caught and released outside. Katey was pretty psyched that she got to pet the thing since it didn't run away once it was released. I was just pretty psyched that my skin stayed attached to my body, despite the feeling that it might not. Ugh...and whew!
Great Expectations
19 hours ago
ooooh...my skin is crawling, and i'm having an adrenaline rush just reading about it. ick, ick, ick. you are very brave.
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