Friday, May 21, 2010

Katey and Seth to the Rescue!

It happened again.

The skink returned to our living room and I still have no idea how he got in!! But Mike wasn't home and we were on our way out the door...just like last time. And, it made my skin crawl...just like last time. However, unlike last time, my kids came to the rescue (and I remembered to grab the camera)! Katey captured it and Seth helped let it go and got to pet it this time. Thank goodness for kids who are braver than Mommy!

In other nature news, we have a cute tree frog that has been hanging out beside the front door. I got a fun shot of him this morning.
In case you were wondering, I like frogs and they don't make my skin crawl. I'm sure you were dying to know that.

A few minutes after releasing the skink into the backyard I looked out the door to find the crazy thing on the back porch - making its way towards the back door. I'm now off to google how to keep skinks out of the house...


Susan said...

I am so with you...and growing up in Florida, you'd think I'd be used to lizards, skinks or whatever they are called. I guess it's better than feeling a little green snake slither around your ankle...speaking from experience here! Give me the chills just thinking about it.

You are fortunate to have kids who aren't afraid of creepy crawlies. All three of mine (including the boy) are just as creeped out by them as me.

Hope you figure out how to keep him out!

Alison said...

hee hee hee..."skink"'s a funny word. i say turn peri loose on it.