Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Last Friday started off a great weekend of GIRLS! Mike had to work late and Seth was heading to have dinner and a movie with his bud, Andrew. So, Katey and I spent the afternoon and evening with 2 of her friends, Abby and Tori. Since it was a gorgeous day, we were outside for almost the entire afternoon and evening. We even had a pizza picnic on the lawn! Here are some fun shots of the girls enjoying the great outdoors:
Playing Frisbee Golf

Doing what Katey loves best...digging in the dirt (for bugs)

On Saturday, I had the wonderful opportunity to get away with some very good friends. There is nothing quite like spending time together and laughing with friends!
Alison, Anna Barrett, Elizabeth and I met on Saturday in Durham, NC for a quick, 24 hour trip together. We spent the afternoon shopping (what girls' weekend would be complete without shopping?!?) and enjoying coffee. One of our stops with REI for some sandals and we discovered some very curious looking shoes:
They are very ugly and I don't plan to ever own a pair, but they were amazingly comfy!

Later on we got cleaned up for dinner at The Melting Pot. We had an almost 3 hour dining experience and all walked out feeling so full it wasn't even funny! One of the highlights of the dinner was this:Alison HATES broccoli...or so she has always said. But, she got brave and tried a bite - which was what made this moment so very camera-worthy. :-)

After dinner (at almost 10!) we made our way back to the room. After Alison demonstrated the proper way to check for bedbugs (it is a global world after all, right Al?), we were able to all snuggle down into bed. That is, until...

Some story about something needed a little action to complete. Awesome.

I have to mention here that Anna Barrett and Elizabeth are in the same bed. We are very proud of AB (our very modest friend) for allowing Elizabeth to sleep in the same bed as her - we are pretty sure this is a FIRST as the last time AB was supposed to share a bed with a friend she slept in her car instead!

The next morning we enjoyed spending time together before having to head back home. What a fun, fun weekend. Thanks to Anna Barrett for organizing it for us!!


Susan said...

Looks like you all had a great time! And honestly, there is no better way to enjoy broccoli except for at the melting pot with cheese!!!

librariane said...

I would totally have a pair of shoes like that and will look for them next time Chip and I head to REI! :D