Friday, March 5, 2010

A Break from the Norm

It is 2:30. The kids have just gotten off the school bus and entered the house. The start of our afternoon together usually goes something like this:

Mommy, can I have a snack? Mommy, can I play on the computer? Mommy, can I play on the Wii? Mommy, can I watch TV upstairs? Mommy, can I play outside?

In fact, this barrage of questions is so frequent and predictable that I would not be willing to wager any bet against it.

So, you can imagine my utter shock (and amazement) when one day this week I heard:
Mommy, can I clean the windows?

Why yes, YES you can!


Susan said...

I've got 18 windows to clean if they are interested!!! I'll even provide them with a snack. Hope your windows were nice and squeaky clean!

librariane said...

Soooooo, did you find out what inspired this bit of spring cleaning?

The Hines Family said... this what we have to look forward too?! :-)