Monday, July 4, 2011


We are pretty sure that our kids cast secret ballots to that "everyone-knows-it-exists-but-no-parent-can-prove-it" award committee. You know the one; The Worst Parents Ever Award.

You may be wondering what we have done to deserve such a vote. It is so terrible, horrible, atrocious and awful I'm not sure it should even be shared. But, here goes anyway:

We made them taste strawberry cake.

Yes, you heard it here first. We MADE our kids try something so awful as CAKE.

The Culprit:
Now you can understand why we have been voted against. I mean, really, I don't know what we were thinking - asking our kids to even consider putting this in their mouths!!

The Reactions:
Check out the evil-eye our sweet daughter is giving us. Yikes! But it is NOTHING compared to the show that our son put on for us:
This was after one (tiny) bite of the cake. It was also after he ran to the bathroom crying and gagging. Seriously.

Now you can understand fully why we have been nominated for the Worst Parents Ever Award. I think we might just win...but if not, we consider it an honor just to be nominated!!


librariane said...

Is this the Martha Stewart recipe? One of the food blogs I read posted about strawberry cake today...

Jen said...

No, it is from Smitten Kitchen. I'll forward you the recipe - it is fabulous!! I thought of you when I made it. :-)