Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Summer of...

This is the summer of:

Seth currently is on a word kick with pronouncing "won" as "Juan". We frequently hear, "I JUAN - I was in first place!!" Sweet.

Front Seat!
Katey has reached a new milestone. She has been allowed to sit in the front seat of the van when we are out and about during the day. We discovered that she is not heavy enough to trigger the airbag in the van (but she is in Mike's car) so Katey is on cloud 9 since being graduated (usually) to the front of the van.

Dutch Blitz!
Katey has learned to play Dutch Blitz and we have been having tons of fun with this card game. Also, over the weekend Mike taught Katey to play Settlers of Catan. It is hard to believe our little girl is big enough for fun, grown-up games, but we are so excited to beat her at teach her all the fun games that we love to play!!

Seth has been diligently saving his cash in order to purchase a Nintendo DS. This last week he had saved half the amount needed so Mike decided to reward this savings-effort by matching it. Seth is the very proud owner of a new DS Lite!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ear Entertainment

The kids were so amusing yesterday. I wish I could remember all that was said that had me chuckling inside, but alas, Mommy Brain is a real thing and I definitely have it. However, here are the choice things I DO remember.

Out of the mouth of Seth:
"This is my favorite shirt b/c it shows off my armpit muscles. I’m pretty lucky because Andrew has only one armpit muscle but I have 2."
And here he is showing off said armpit muscles. I don't get it- looks like just an armpit to me...but what do I know, I'm just a girl.
Andrew is Seth's best buddy and it was news to me that Andrew is apparently missing an armpit??

Though, speaking of armpits and Andrew, Seth informed me that he and Andrew have created the AL Club. That would be the "Armpit and Leg Fart Club". Both boys are enthusiastic members and quite adept in their...um...art?!
Here is Seth showing off his mad skills!

As I was making some cinnamon toast yesterday, Katey and Seth were having the following conversation:
K: One time Daddy buttered, cinnamon-ed and sugared BOTH sides of my toast!! Can you believe it? - BOTH SIDES!
S: (laughing heartily) Yeah, Daddy's crazy!
K: (in utter seriousness) Daddy's not crazy, he's just different!

Monday, July 4, 2011


We are pretty sure that our kids cast secret ballots to that "everyone-knows-it-exists-but-no-parent-can-prove-it" award committee. You know the one; The Worst Parents Ever Award.

You may be wondering what we have done to deserve such a vote. It is so terrible, horrible, atrocious and awful I'm not sure it should even be shared. But, here goes anyway:

We made them taste strawberry cake.

Yes, you heard it here first. We MADE our kids try something so awful as CAKE.

The Culprit:
Now you can understand why we have been voted against. I mean, really, I don't know what we were thinking - asking our kids to even consider putting this in their mouths!!

The Reactions:
Check out the evil-eye our sweet daughter is giving us. Yikes! But it is NOTHING compared to the show that our son put on for us:
This was after one (tiny) bite of the cake. It was also after he ran to the bathroom crying and gagging. Seriously.

Now you can understand fully why we have been nominated for the Worst Parents Ever Award. I think we might just win...but if not, we consider it an honor just to be nominated!!