Monday, May 23, 2011



**This picture was not staged - it is Seth at his most natural**

2 kids who did EXCELLENT on their report cards and were rewarded with new tennis racquets and an afternoon of fun on the tennis court!! Seth loved it and Katey kept asking if she could go play on the playground instead.


The newest college graduate in our family - my nephew, Trevor!! We are so proud of you, Trev, and excited to see what your future holds!!


The "not-so-common" haired child.
One morning I came downstairs to find Seth with his hair all combed down around his face (I love the way it matches his shirt!). When I commented on the style he said, "I tried to make it common but it wouldn't work." I'm sure he wondered why I made such a puzzled looking face as upon being asked what the definition of common is, Seth replied, "to be the same." A-Ha! He couldn't get both sides to look the same. Welcome to my world, Seth.

What Katey is hugging here is the delicious, chocolate pound cake fresh from Old Salem, NC. She has been begging to go back to Old Salem for months just to get this cake. Last week Katey took her End of Grade tests (and passed them all with the highest marks!) and, as a special treat, Mike arranged for one of his co-workers from Winston Salem to bring down a piece of cake for Katey. Below is a video of the surprise. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mr. John!!