This week is Spring Break and I decided to treat the kids to lunch at their favorite restaurant, McDonald's! Actually, I wanted to eat anywhere BUT McDonald's, but after many, many "please" and "Can we, please, please, please, please, please"'s, I gave in.
As we were sitting, eating lunch, I was watching my kids thoroughly enjoy their Happy Meal boxes and toys and was reminded of an article I read recently. Apparently there is a parent suing Mickey D's to have toys removed from Happy Meals. Her claim is that McDonald's is marketing directly to the kids and getting into their heads without parental permission. Said parent is upset that she now has to tell her kids 'no' much more often.
As I was mulling this idea over in my head it occurred to me that I, too, long and search for ways to push my own accountability onto others. It is so much easier to blame a food chain for enticing my family to eat junk then it is to blame myself for giving into the pleas of my children, even when I know better. It is easier to be outraged at McDonald's than it is to be outraged at myself for taking the easy way in parenting.
So, as I was watching Seth put a Happy Meal box on his head and finish his apple dippers I was thinking about how many times a day (okay, minute) I fail as a parent. How many times I put my own desires ahead of what I know is right. How many times I choose to satisfy my sin nature instead of obey my Father. How many times I long and plead for things that aren't good for me.
Today I am thankful for McDonald's. Thankful that God uses even the Golden Arches to show me my sin and draw me closer to Him. Thankful for a Savior who died for me and has saved me from myself and my sin. And, thankful for the smiles and time spent with my kids...even if it was at McDonald's!
Prepare For ALL The "Horny" Jokes
3 hours ago
Love this! Thanks for sharing.
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