Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Break with the Averill Family

Spring break usually brings some sort of fun adventure for our family but this year, the adventure came to us! Mike's family decided to come for a visit while the kids were out of school. We got to hang out with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Joanna, Uncle Brandon, Aunt Annie and baby Nate!!

I'm pretty sure that our kids think Aunt Jo hung the moon. She is a fantastic kid-player and fun-maker! Honestly, when she is here I have to remind myself to see what they are up to since she keeps them entertained all day long. Wanna see their favorite activity this trip?

Turning the playroom into a giant fort!

The adults had a pretty relaxing visit and got in lots of card/game playing and Nate-holding time. Brandon and Annie thought that Grandma and I would be baby hogs. We probably were, but we did share. :-)

Some of the highlights of the visit were playing laser tag (Brandon was high scorer this time around), the guys washing and waxing 3 mini-vans, coloring Easter eggs, playing outside, and watching Nate laugh at his crazy cousins and relatives. He seemed to adore Seth and would giggle at just the sight of him. Katey and Jo could make Nate laugh, too, and all the kids (including Grandma!) had fun jumping up and down in front of the baby to get the ever-coveted and sometimes elusive smile and laugh.

I can't let this post end without mentioning 2 things.
#1: I re-learned Rook this trip! Mike's family have historically been big Rook players and taught me to play while Mike and I were dating. For some reason I decided that I didn't like the game - perhaps because I always lost - and we haven't played it since. After probably 13 years I opted to give the game a 2nd chance and found that I really enjoy it! Family, I'm very sorry that I banned the game for so long. [Brandon, maybe you should give Balderdash another chance. Maybe this time around it will be fun...maybe!]
And, #2: The warm weather returned and shorts were donned. With the winter, we almost forgot about Seth's individual sense of...um...style...

We missed Mike's sister, Christy, and tried our best to convince her to skip classes and drive here - but she was a very good student and didn't let our bad influence sway her. Here is a shot of the Averill family minus 1.


Unknown said...

Seth, you just keep rocking the knee-highs!

Alison said...

woohoo! the return of Socks!

too bad no one wanted to hold baby nate while he was there. :)

The Collins said...

you know what-- I say Seth is just cutting cost of sunscreen and that is just GREEN!!!

Susan said...

Looks like a great time with the family...and how cool for the kids to have such a fun Aunt!

Love Seth's socks!

The Hines Family said...

HA! Love Seth's socks! Looks like you guys had a fun time with your family! I love the family picture!

I've played Rook before, too--and I think that I liked it, but I would also have to relearn how to play.

BTW....check out the pictures on my blog of my girl in her cute yellow outfit! :-)