Friday, September 11, 2009


We are now several weeks into the new school year so I thought I should perhaps do a post about school. Katey is in the 3rd grade now and Seth started Kindergarten. I was pretty nervous about getting both of the kids up and fed and dressed and ready to head out the door all by 6:45 each morning, but so far all has gone pretty smooth (or is the proper form of the word smoothly?).

Here are the kids on their first days of school - Katey started a week earlier than Seth thanks to Union County's staggered Kindergarten start.

Please notice Seth's socks in the picture. They are his signature trademark these days. Socks must ALWAYS be worn pulled up as high as they will go and ankle socks just WILL NOT due!

I simply could not post without including a picture of Seth with his backpack on. I love Kindergartners with huge backpacks! Adorable!

And, while we are on the note of adorable, here are Katey and Seth getting on the school bus together for the first time. I will note that it isn't the picture that is dark...this is what the morning looks like when the kids get on the bus (WAAAAYYYY too early in the morning!).

Seth kept telling us he was "curious" about the school bus (we think he actually meant "nervous") so Katey, being the wonderful big sister that she is, told Seth that he could sit with her on the bus. Awwww!! What do you think Seth's response was?
A) Okay
B) Thanks Katey, you are the best big sister EVER!
C) No thanks, I'll sit with someone else
D) I think I want Mommy to drive us to school

You got it; the answer is C!! Such a loving brother... But, what you cannot see from this picture is that Seth is holding Katey's hand as they boarded the bus together. :-)

The first few weeks of school have proven to be exciting and emotional for our family. We have already had melt-downs over homework (from BOTH kids!), forgotten jackets and agendas, missed buses, almost missed buses, tears over missed and almost missed buses, excited squeals for cheese pizza day in the cafeteria, stories of teachers and classmates and PE and Music and Spanish, and an overall joy of being back to school. Yup, I think this is going to be a GREAT year with lots of ups and downs...

Oh, and before I end this post, I have to include a link that you need to read if you haven't seen it already. This is a blog post from our dear friend, Alison, about Seth and his good buddy, Andrew. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! And, thanks to Alison for such a sweet, sweet entry!


librariane said...

So what time do they arrive home from school? Do you have a schedule for yourself yet?

Susan said...

How cute they are getting on the bus together! I remember Madison's first day of Kindergarten (well her second day actually, since I took her in on her first day). She was a little nervous about going to class by herself so her big sister took her hand and walked her to her if only they would be that sweet to each other all the time!!!!

Yes, meltdowns!!! They seem to have happened weekly at our house, but we are slowly seeing less and less of them. Homework time is so tough especially after being at school all day and just wanting to play for a bit when they get home!

Now tell the truth - do you go back to bed once the bus drives away???? I would if I could but between Davis and having to drive them to school - I can't!!!!

BTW - loved the post about Andrew and Seth - very sweet! I saw a picture from their year together at FPC....they were so little!

Anonymous said...

I love seeing little kids with huge backpacks too! I think it is so funny.

The Hines Family said...

What a sweet big sister! :-)

I LOVE Seth's socks! :-)

Jen said...

Ru, the kids get home around 2:20 (school is from 7:30 - 2:00). I'm working on a routine...right now it is more like "pick a project and work on it today". :-)
Susan, I have only gone back to bed once. After rushing to get the kids out the door I am pretty wide awake. But, the temptation is there!!