Friday, August 10, 2012


Mike pointed out last week that it has been an entire month since I posted anything on here.  Summer has been too fun to stop and blog!

Since I am completely overwhelmed with all there is to write about, I have decided to do a quick poem to sum it all up (with a few pictures, of course).

The summer started out with lots of watery fun;
We spent a week with the Collins family (and Grammy) at a house on Lake Norman.
The kids learned to ski and we spent the week on the boat;
It took another 5 day for Jen to stop feeling a-float!
Next up was a trip back North;
To Ohio we went, just after July 4th.
We had fun at the Hankins' family reunion - what a treat;
Lots of aunts, uncles and cousins to visit with and good food to eat!
Packed and ready to head back home, until we heard a scream;
Seth scraped up his armpit but managed to not fall out of the tree!
Harry Potter camp is where we sent Katey;
She loved being a Hufflepuff and we don't mean maybe!
A camp filled with sports was where Seth then headed;
He loved it so much, the end of the week he dreaded.
Swimming with friends at the water park has been fun;
It's hard to believe that summer is almost done!!

On your mark, get set...
GO!  Seth up on ski's for the first time!

Check out Katey's form!  She skied like that the entire time!
The kids singing the National Anthem during the closing ceremonies of the Lake Norman Olympics
Uncle Jason with the kids.  They loved to go TOP SPEED!
At the reunion - the Ella Hankins clan


The Hines Family said...

Looks like a fun picture! I love the picture of Katey!