Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Recently heard around our house:

Niece Gabriella while here on Spring Break
Aunt Jeni: Wow Gabriella, you are really good at playing that instrument.
Gabriella: Yeah, that's because I'm an expert ukulelian.

Niece Aubrey
Aubrey: Tinkle Belle is a nice doggy.
Aunt Jeni: Yes, Tinkle Belle is nice. You can call her Belle for short.
Aubrey: Hi there Belle For Short!

While playing Tennis on the Wii
Seth: Katey, you hit a ball that was going out.
Katey: Sorry. I get so excited that I miss the details sometimes.
Seth: Now Katey, you need to clear out the unwanted details from your head!

Upon riding in Daddy's new (used) car Katey exclaimed: Why would ANYONE want to sell this car? This is such a nice car I just don't understand why anyone would want to sell it. It is such a SWEET ride!


librariane said...

I think the car story is my favorite.