For years Katey has been pleading for a sister. Last week she got a taste of what it would be like to have a little sister! For the most part she was pleased...except when Aubrey touched her stuff or didn't do what Katey wanted...
My wonderful sister and her husband celebrated their 10th anniversary by going on a cruise and we had the privilege of spending the week with their 2 1/2 year old, Aubrey. As luck would have it, the kids had 4 days worth of snow cancellations at school that week so I had lots of help with Aubrey and they got lots of play time in.
I didn't get many pictures from the eventful week, but I did get some very important ones! One of the highlights for Aubrey of being at Aunt Jeni and Uncle Mike's house is playing the never-gets-old game of fall over in the kid chair. All 3 kids thought that was super fun and insisted on pictures. Cutie patooties!!
Aubrey was a wonderful guest to have and slept through the night...most nights. We all miss her and can still hear her little voice saying, "I want you hold me" or "Dere we Gooooooo!" So very glad we had this opportunity to spend concentrated time together!
Great Expectations
18 hours ago